Denunciar Problema

Envie uma foto e localização de problemas em seu bairro para que possamos encaminhar às autoridades competentes.


Seu bairro, cidade


24 horas

Denuncie Problemas

Envie fotos e localizações de problemas em seu bairro.

An S.O.S. sign with a red background and white telephone symbol is mounted on a wall. Near the sign, a surveillance camera is positioned, and a blue fluorescent light is visible below.
An S.O.S. sign with a red background and white telephone symbol is mounted on a wall. Near the sign, a surveillance camera is positioned, and a blue fluorescent light is visible below.
Ação Cidadã

Contribua para a melhoria da sua comunidade com denúncias eficazes.

Several people are gathered in a room with basic furnishings. A man in a grey shirt and blue gloves is engaging with an elderly woman wearing a red patterned garment, possibly discussing paperwork. Others in the background are seated or standing, some wearing face masks. The room contains blue plastic chairs, and there are posters or signs with writing on the walls.
Several people are gathered in a room with basic furnishings. A man in a grey shirt and blue gloves is engaging with an elderly woman wearing a red patterned garment, possibly discussing paperwork. Others in the background are seated or standing, some wearing face masks. The room contains blue plastic chairs, and there are posters or signs with writing on the walls.
Participe Agora

Junte-se a nós e ajude a resolver os problemas locais.

Problemas Locais

Envie uma foto e a localização de um problema em seu bairro. Nós encaminharemos as informações para as autoridades competentes, garantindo que sua voz seja ouvida e que ações sejam tomadas para melhorar a sua comunidade.

A red sign with white text reads 'God's Servants at Work', placed on a grassy area in front of a residential house. The background contains a ladder, some paint supplies, and garden tools leaning against a structure, suggesting ongoing house maintenance or renovation.
A red sign with white text reads 'God's Servants at Work', placed on a grassy area in front of a residential house. The background contains a ladder, some paint supplies, and garden tools leaning against a structure, suggesting ongoing house maintenance or renovation.
A group of children and a few adults are gathered outdoors, with some children holding food containers. They appear to be waiting in line or engaging in a communal activity. The setting looks informal, possibly in a rural or community space.
A group of children and a few adults are gathered outdoors, with some children holding food containers. They appear to be waiting in line or engaging in a communal activity. The setting looks informal, possibly in a rural or community space.

Ações Necessárias

Identifique e relate problemas que afetam sua comunidade. Com seu apoio, podemos ajudar a resolver questões locais e promover um ambiente mais seguro e saudável para todos. Juntos, fazemos a diferença na sociedade.
